Apama documentation


Can anyone please provide some documentation links for the newly acquired Apama product? Tutorial? Introduction? Basic concepts? Anything?

I would like to check it out and also find out how it is different from previous CEP solution. I cannot find any sources, on http://techcommunity.softwareag.com/ecosystem/communities/public/apama/ documentation is “Coming soon” and there are only a few incidents on Empower.

Thank you.

For internal access by Software AG employees, the Apama documentation is posted here on an iwiki page:


It is also installed with the Apama product - so if you install Apama, you will also install the documentation.

Also, Apama eLearning courses are posted on Clix.

The resource center has some white papers:

Check the Apama box and then click Show Resources.

I hope this helps,

  • Melissa
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Thank you!