Apama 10.3 Release

Software AG’s Apama Streaming Analytics is the market-leading platform for streaming analytics and intelligent automated action on fast-moving big data. The latest release adds:
Monitoring of correlators using the ubiquitous, open source Prometheus toolkit for monitoring and alerting
Faster runtime performance when using the compiled runtime capability to natively compile EPL applications
Execution of Python code within the correlator helps customers use Python scripts for tasks such as data pre-processing as well as utilizing Python’s many third party libraries
Easier Docker deployment from within Software AG Designer using the new tools that automatically create Dockerfiles
Cumulocity IoT integrates Apama for advanced real-time streaming analytics in cloud or edge-based IoT
Stack Overflow now provides tags for Apama and Apama Community Edition has a number of new developer-focused blog posts (http://www.apamacommunity.com/)
Capital Markets adapters upgraded and enhanced with support for new vendor platforms, the latest vendor specifications and with new capabilities

Release notes are at: