I’m a newbee, don’t know how to start working with APAMA.
I need to know, what software’s to install to start working with an APAMA project.
Please share the details, searched a lot in net, couldn’t find out.
Have downloaded apama_core_10.2.0.3_amd64_win and apama_epl_visualization, but can’t figure out how to land the IDE.
Hi Yashika,
You don’t say if you are an existing customer or not, so for safety I will assume not.
We have many resources and getting started guides on http://apamacommunity.com/
There are blog posts, getting started guides, documentation, and videos.
If you are wanting the SoftwareAG Designer (eclipse based IDE) on Windows, then you’d want to download “apama_10.2.0.3_amd64_win.zip”.
This is a large download but includes all the components you’d need.
You should also be aware that the very latest Apama 10.3 will release on Tuesday next week. There are virtual product launch conferences this week in preparation: Digital Transformation Solutions & Services | Software AG