Happy new year 2025!
End of last year we migrated from the “old” Software AG Tech Community to our new Cumulocity Tech Community.
With this article I want to warmly welcome you to our new community and give an overview about the new layout & structure.
Event though the layout changed slightly, everything you know from the “old” community is still there.
On the left you can find all main categories & tags. Also on top left you have a main navigation to see the groups, users & badges.
On the top right you can find the search, your user profile and some options like the notification configuration.
Content is migrated
First of all, all the content which was posted in the “old” community has been migrated to this instance. This includes forum posts, knowledge base articles, events, tags and users.
Becuase of the user migration you can login with the same credentails you used in the “old” community and all your progress, badges are still tracked. In addition as a customer you can use our new Cumulocity Identity Provider to login. For Cumulocity employees you can use the Cumulocity Employee login if your Tech Community user is already using your cumulocity.com email.
New categories
We mainly migrated the “old” categories like forum, knowledge base, events and feedback & ideas but we also introduced new ones.
In addition we have now a dedicated News
category, where we will publish all Cumulocity relevant news. Here we have 2 sub categories Product news and Important updates.
Also we have some private categories that are execlusive for some user groups. As a customer there is a Customers
categories and another one for partners.
If you think you are eligble to join, you can request access to these categories here by clicking on the “Request” button.
For Cumulocity internal discussions we have a private category that is exclusive for Cumulocity employees. If you are registered with your cumulocity.com email you should already have access to this category.
New Tags
For tags we came up with a new structure which is aligned to our documentation & change log.
For each forum topic you have to select at least one tag of the tag group “Cumulocity”: device-connectivity, analytics, cumulocity-edge, thin-edge-io, platform-services, app-enablement or device-management
Each of thease tag groups have sub-tags defined which you can also use when selected a parent tag.
Please avoid using “old” tags and try to use the new defined tags. This makes it easier for the community to find relevant content.
For example: If you are interested in the web SDK you can find all relevant Topics tagged web-sdk there.
All existing and new users are automatically subscribed to all new topics in the categories “News” & “Events” so you don’t miss any important updates.
In addition all members of the Cumulocity group are also automatically subscribed to the categories “Forum”, “Knowledge Base”
You can define your notifications on each category and tags yourself by clicking on the “bell” on the top right and select the notification level which fits to your needs.
Nice to know: In your user profile you can see all the categories and tags you are subscribed to and of course change them there.
IoT Community Awards
To motivate collboration we of course will continue with the IoT Community Awards in 2025. Stay tuned for further updates!
Let’s collaborate!
Now it’s on you! I would be happy to continue collaborating with you in our brand new community.
If you have feedback & suggestion please don’t hesitate to open a topic or to send me a PM.