What product/components do you use and which version/fix level?
Cumulocity IoT
Backend: 1010.0.12
UI: 1010.0.12
What are trying to achieve? Please describe in detail.
Trying to connect an queclink GV75 device
Do you get any error messages? Please provide a full error message screenshot and log file.
We follow the device registration procedure, however in the device registration page, the device is stuck in “waiting for connection”, the device says that is connected correctly, however C8Y is stuck in that fase.
In the Queclink Manage Tool, please set the “Main Server IP/Domain Name” to tracker.us.cumulocity.com instead of tracker.cumulocity.com since your tenant is on the US instance. Then try to re-register the device along with tracker-agent-.
Also, as an FYI, since it appears you are a Software AG employee, you can open a Support Incident in Empower and the Global Support team can help you with any issues/questions you may have.