What product/components do you use and which version/fix level are you on?
This is a question from one of our free trial users in Cumulocity IoT
What are you trying to achieve? Please describe it in detail.
I can’t get my Ewon Flexy device registered. It keeps “Wait for connection”. I followed the following quick start guide that should work: flexy-cumulocity-connector/QUICK-START.md at main · hms-networks/flexy-cumulocity-connector · GitHub
Do you get any error messages? Please provide a full error message screenshot and log file.
“Wait for connection”
Have you installed all the latest fixes for the products and systems you are using?
et any error messages? Please provide a full error message screenshot and log file.
“Wait for connection”
@Christian.Schade Can you have a look in this issue and support the user to get his flexy device connected?
As @Nadezhda.Rusenova informed me, this issue was solved already by correcting the parameters of the “CumulocityConnectorConfig.json” file that has to fill as describedd here :
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March 7, 2023, 10:01am
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