Password security in python microservices

What product/components do you use and which version/fix level are you on?

Cumulocity Edge 10.13

Is your question related to the free trial, or to a production (customer) instance?

production instance

What are you trying to achieve? Please describe it in detail.

I develop a python microservice for data import to Cumulocity. I need to authenticate for an external api and for cumulocity via passwords. At the moment the passwords are hardcoded. Is there a secure way to deal with passwords in microservice code?

Do you get any error messages? Please provide a full error message screenshot and log file.

Have you installed all the latest fixes for the products and systems you are using?

Hi Tim,

any secret (e.g. passwords or API keys) are usually stored in encrypted tenant options.
See General aspects - Cumulocity IoT Guides for more details.
The key for the tenant option should start with credentials. to encrypt the tenant option.

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Thank you Tristan,

that was exactly what I was looking for!

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