Hi everybody,
I’ve just created a microservice package and I try to deploy it with:
but this error appear:
[ERROR] Error while communicating with platform. Error message: Invalid credentials! : Bad credentials
I use a free try account.
Please anyone can help
In general, microservices use the standard Cumulocity IoT authentication mechanisms. This is performed in two steps:
- The microservice can be created in any tenant that have feature-microservice-hosting enabled.
- The microservices access the Tenant API.
hope, you have " feature-microservice-hosting" enabled. You can check in Administration application under subscribed application tab.
It is not enabled by default in free account. As your can see in your error messages , it throws http 401 code.
you read more about authentication and Authorization in Micro services in docs
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thanks for your answer, but I don’t have feature-microservice-hosting in my applications!
Yeah, without this feature " feature-microservice-hosting" , you can not deploy Micro services into the Cumulocity tenant.
If you are interested to explore this feature, contact Software AG sales team. 
sales @cumulocity.com
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