IoT Community Champions - Q3 2024
Q3 2024 ended a few days ago and it’s time to announce the IoT Community Champions!
This quarter was kind of difficult to evaluate the IoT Community Champions. First of all we had the holiday season which leads to less activity in the community, secondly as you might have heard there are a lot of organizational changes currently implemented so Cumulocity becomes more independent & autonomous. Especially the second point will also have a big impact on the current Tech Community. We will announce soon how we proceed with the community and also the Community Awards.
But for now let’s focus on the Community Awards and find out who made it to the top leaderboard in Q3 2024 name themself IoT Community Champion!
Top 5 IoT Community Champions of Q3 2024!
Position | Name | Points | Challenges completed | Recurring champion |
1 | @Tristan_Bastian | 1300 | Solution Challenge, Likes received Challenge, Open-Source Contribution Challenge, Hackathon Challenge, Replies posted | yes |
2 | @Alexander_Pester | 800 | KB article Challenge, Open-Source Contribution Challenge, Hackathon Challenge | no |
2 | @Christof_Strack | 800 | Open-Source Challenge, Open-Source Contribution Challenge, Hackathon Challenge | no |
3 | @Reuben_Miller2 | 600 | Likes received Challenge, Open-Source Contribution Challenge, Hackathon Challenge | yes |
3 | @Harald_Meyer | 600 | Likes given Challenge, Open-Source Contribution Challenge, Hackathon Challenge | yes |
As 3 of them (Tristan, Harald, Reuben) are recurring IoT Community Champions of last quarter (and already received their prizes) I decided to extend the leaderboard with 3 more Champions!
Position | Name | Points | Challenges completed |
4 | @kanishk.chaturvedi | 500 | Tech Talk Challenge |
4 | @Thomas_Winkler2 | 500 | Open-Source Contribution Challenge, Hackathon Challenge |
4 | @Christoph_Souris | 500 | Open-Source Contribution Challenge, Hackathon Challenge |
Congratulations to all the IoT Community Champions of Q3 2024!
As a summary you can see that most of them benefit by open-source contribution, attending our (internal) Cumulocity Connectivity Hackathon in Düsseldorf or contributing Articles.
As a negative point we see less content to be created in the community, so only @Alexander_Pester and @kanishk.chaturvedi benefit form an article and the IoT Tech Talk IoT Tech Talk - Cumulocity IoT & Machine Learning this quarter.
This can be improved so feel free contribute your article or other content!
Also unfortunately no-one solved a special challenge for example the one for the Tech Talk, which were easy points So keep the eyes open for new special challenges in Q4.
This time each of the IoT Community Champions will get goodie package with the following content:
- A small drone with in a custom branded case
- A custom branded swisscard multi-tool
All of you who haven’t received the current prize package already will be contacted to ask for your shipping addresses to get your prizes shipped to you as soon as possible.
Beside that you have been granted the very limited “IoT Community Champion” Badge in the Tech Community!
The following challenges with assigned points were communicated:
Publish a new Cumulocity related open-source repository containing valuable content with the topic
- 300 pointsProvide 10 solutions to forum topics so they are accepted
as an answer - 500 points
Receive 15
(likes) from others in the community - 100 points
Give 15
(likes) to other posts or knowledge base articles - 100 points
Create 10 new topics in the forum (spam topics will not count and deleted
) - 200 points
Publish a knowledge base article about a Cumulocity IoT topic - 300 points
Speak or co-speak in an published IoT Tech Talk / IoT Developer Event or Knowledge Exchange event - 500 points
Contribute to an existing Cumulocity IoT open-source repo by adding an issue, creating a PR etc. - 200 points
Attend an onsite IoT Hackathon
- 300 points
Create 15 replies on existing forum topics - 200 points
The rating criteria will be untouched for Q4 2024. Still, look out for special challenges to get fast & easy points!
Will you be the IoT Community Champion of Q4 2024?
Q4 has just started and all start from 0 again. To add more competition I’ll add a new challenge for replies posted. Check out the updated overview site
Make sure you are in the top 5 list of Q4 2024 to also earn the IoT Community Champion award and have fun with the associated goodie package.
Let’s start with a special challenge as a kickstart!
Special challenge
Comment with a link to an existing IoT knowledge base article that you like best and a short explanation what you like about it - 200 points.