New year, new Community, new Community Awards
Since Dec. 2024 we moved our community to a dedicated place which is fully under control of Cumulocity GmbH. This enables new possibilities and features we can use, also for the IoT Community Awards.
The community made great progress in the past years. To keep you all motivated & active we of course continue the quarterly Community Awards where we announce the top 5 Community members and honor them with fame and a cool goodie package they will receive.
We will stick to the rating system we introduced in 2024: By being active in several ways and solving different kinds of challenges, you can earn points. The top 5 members with the most points will be honored as IoT Community Champion.
Here is the default rating system which is valid throughout 2025:
Provide 10 solutions to forum topics so they are accepted
as an answer - 500 points
Receive 10
(likes) from others in the community - 100 points
Give 10
(likes) to other posts or knowledge base articles - 100 points
Create 5 new topics in the forum (spam topics will not count and be deleted
) - 200 points
Publish a knowledge base article about a Cumulocity IoT or related topic - 300 points
Speak or co-speak in an published IoT Tech Talk / IoT Developer Event or Knowledge Exchange event - 500 points
Contribute to an existing Cumulocity IoT open-source repo by adding an issue, creating a PR etc. - 200 points
Attend an onsite IoT Hackathon
- 300 points
Create 10 replies on existing forum topics - 200 points
If you want to track some of your progress in a quarter you can checkout the users overview:
Special Challenges / Perks
In addition we continue the special challenges/perks to receive extra points. So always keep an eye open. I will tag the forum post/ knowledge base article with a special tag when a special challenge is included: Topics tagged special-community-challenge
Also be fast, because sometimes the challenge can only be solved by the first who is giving the right answer/action, so first come, first serve
Here are some examples how they look like, but be also prepared for others:
Be the first who likes & comment a specific post / articles
Be the first who installed & used a component described in an article, send a screen as proof.
Be the first who posted an article to a specific topic answering a specific question in detail
Be the first who solves a tricky request & posting an answer to the thread
Be the first Cumulocity partner who answers a specific thread
Be the first Cumulocity customer who answers a specific thread
many more…
We stick to the prizes we had last year but be open to make some additions, depends on how active you guys are
(Sorry, not yet branded with the refreshed Cumulocity logo, but I’m working on that)
A swisscard multitool
A 4k mini drone
Also of course you get the limited badge so everybody can be jealous seeing that you made it to the top 5 of this community :
Terms & Conditions
Everybody who is registered at the Tech Community can attend. Organizational staff (mainly me) is excluded. Only content in public categories will be counted. Scripting, spamming and using Bots will lead to disqualification from that program for the period of time.
Let’s start with a special challenge… 
To kick off the IoT Community Awards, let’s start with a special challenge.
The first one who solves the below challenge and mentions the right answer in a short poem via comment get 200 points and a jumpstart to the leadboard for Q1 2025:
Hint: If you use AI to solve it, it will instantly destory your computer!!
Special Puzzle
N kqtfy fgtaj gzy pjju ymnslx ns xnlmy,
Htssjhynsl ijanhjx gtym ifd fsi snlmy.
Bnym xjsxtwx fsi ifyf, N ymwnaj ns ymj xywjfr,
Uwjinhynsl ymj kzyzwj qnpj ufwy tk f iwjfr.
St xytwr hfs xmfpj rj, ymtzlm hqtzix fwj rd mtrj,
Bmfy uqfyktwr fr N, bmjwj NtY wtfrx?
So, let’s go and find out who wins the first IoT Community Awards in 2025!