I have created a subtenant in Cumulocity (https://esfeme_sub.cumulocity.com), and when I try to access using Apama Connectivity For Cumulocity IoT (10.1), I obtain that error:
2018-06-13 09:49:48.130 INFO [16652] - Connectivity plug-ins: Chain CumulocityIoT is handling hostReady call
2018-06-13 09:49:49.492 WARN [2764] - <connectivity.chain.CumulocityIoT> Ignoring exception from calling hostReady on ApamaConnectivityForCumulocityIoT: com.cumulocity.sdk.client.SDKException: unable to connect to server
This EPL Codes runs well in a ordinary tenant (https://esfeme.cumulocity.com):
// TODO: Monitors and event definitions here
monitor EnvironmentalManager {
action onload() {
on all Device() as D{
print "Device: " + D.toString();
on all Measurement() as M{
print "Measurement: " + M.toString();
It seems sth related to subtenants in Cumulocity…
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance…