Invalid credentials while login to localhost

Hello everyone,

I am encountering the following issue while attempting to log in to a local host:. I have separated the user ID and password for login, but unfortunately, I have not been successful. Could anyone please guide me on how to resolve this?


What command do you use to run the local server? Have you provided -u option? Do you get any errors in the console?

Is that the correct tenant id?

i have used npm start command

Yes , Tenant ID Correct

Have you seen this section: Getting started - Cumulocity IoT Guides

You should adjust it to c8ycli server -u

If you adjusted this and it still does not work, keep in mind that your user and password are case sensitive.

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If you use the url (env… in a browser can you use those credentials to log in?

Now i am getting below error

Just been on the tenant. The user you are trying to use does not exist on the tenant. I guess it is your logon, for which there is the necessary account in c8y but it’s not for use directly like you are trying.

If you wish I can add you an account on your tenant for testing your app.

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Thank you so much,

Please find the details as below

My Tenant ID:env633442

Try user…


Password will be sent separately.

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