The past three months have been really busy in the Tech Community. See what you might have missed below
Feedback and Ideas section
You can now share your feedback not only about the Tech Community, but any product or platform. We have introduced:
- Community news, tips & tricks - Discover new features, community enhancements, and user guides.
- Feature requests - Let us know how we can improve! Share your ideas and feature requests. What will help you do your job better? What do you like or dislike in Software AG’s products, solutions and platform?
- Coffee break (discuss anything) - This is the place to discuss topics that don’t have a “right” answer and talk about anything.
- Hecktoberfest - For the month of October we are giving you the opportunity to post things that made your head tilt sideways wondering: “What the Heck?” Why is this like that? Read more below
iPaaS Puzzle
In September, we launched the iPaaS Puzzles. The idea is simple - we challenge ourselves with a puzzle that is fun to solve, brings value, and at the same time is a great way to improve our integration skills. We are currently at the 3rd iPaaS Puzzle: Who’s Country is improving the most on the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
See also the previous riddles and how members like @anela.osmanovic solved them.
- 1st iPaaS Puzzle: Local Drought Water Calculator
- 2nd iPaaS Puzzle: Prevent “Epic Fails” in Customer Service - Forum - Software AG Tech Community & Forums
- 3rd iPaaS Puzzle: Who’s Country is improving the most on the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
webMethods Community Get-Together
We experimented with a new, more engaging, webinar format last month. 30 minutes update and the rest of the time quickly answering all of your questions. Check out the recordings of both webinars and let us know in the comments how you like them. We are planning on doing more of these in the near future.
- Recording: webMethods Community Get-Together APJ/EMEA September 2022
- Recording: webMethods Community Get-Together EMEA/Americas September 2022
Cumulocity IoT Aug 2022 update
The latest release of Cumulocity IoT, version 10.13 , is now available, and we’ve focused on enabling our customers to remain competitive, innovative, and to drive revenue – be smarter and faster in a world that constantly demands faster and better results.
- Learn more: Cumulocity IoT Aug 2022 update
IoT Survey
Please fill in our *** Cumulocity IoT Developer Survey 2022 ***
Let us know what is important to you and what we should do to bring the best developer experience for you.
The whole survey will only take ~5 min of your time.
- Learn more: IoT Developer Survey
We invite you to take part in our WTH October (Hecktoberfest)!
It is the right place to share with everyone your very own “what/why the heck? !” moments you experience when using our software or services. We would like to collect these, hopefully solve/clarify some of them or put them into our development pipeline.
- Learn more: Hecktoberfest - One Month, Your Voice, Your Thoughts!
- Direct Link to the Hecktoberfest Category on Tech Community, where the first ‘WTH …?’ question has been posted and answered already.
Most valuable contributor award
In August we presented our long time Community Guru Rob Eamon @reamon with our Most valuable contributor award. Rob has been a member of our forums for more than a decade and his posts have helped thousands of users. His comments are always very insightful and bring value to any conversation. With the knowledge he’s sharing and his honest feedback Rob has been really inspirational for our team and the whole community!
Top Members of the quarter
Cheers to our Top Community members and Most Valuable Contributors
— You rock!

TECHniques Issue 3
New API content
- Reverse monetization
- Deflector and shield
- Automating API Testing with webMethods API Management and Postmans
- Integrating Azure AD with webMethods Developer Portal
- Developer Portal User Onboarding
- API Security with webMethods API Management and Noname Security
- webMethods Developer Portal trying out an OAuth2 Protected API
- webMethods Developer Portal trying out an JWT Protected API
- webMethods Developer Portal CSP (Content Security Policy) Troubleshooting
Top Knowledge base and blog articles
- How to get started with Cloud Remote Access for Cumulocity IoT
- Integration - First steps, tutorials & how-tos
- The New Learning Portal is live
- Integration workflow: Automatically send PMs to multiple users in Discourse platform
- B2B processing message using RNIF 2.0
- How many gateways?
- Post Message in Slack Channel for operation in Developer Portal
- Welcome Email to a new Contact on Microsoft Dynamics
- Troubleshooting OAuth 2.0 compliant Email Listener
- Compressing Integration Server’s Apache Derby Embedded Database
Top forum discussions
- 1st iPaaS Puzzle: Local Drought Water Calculator
- CD is failed to installed
- How to read/iterate the data in Array (1:V)
- Reading Event MO by means of SmartREST
- Switching between COAP and HTTP via REST API?
- Getting Error while connecting to AWS SQS
- How to fetch all the JDBC connection details in IS page
- Unable to publish messages through thin-io.edge to child devices that are created with the cumulocity IoT Open API
- The Things Network web hook receiving message “cannot access endpoint: /service/ttn-integration”
- IS not joining the cluster during initial configuration
This article is part of the TECHniques newsletter blog - technical tips and tricks for the Software AG community. Subscribe to receive our quarterly updates or read the latest issue.