The Things Network web hook receiving message "cannot access endpoint: /service/ttn-integration"


I am using Cumulocity IoT free trial which I signed up for last week. I would like to bring in a temperature sensor from my Things Network community edition (TTN), but am getting the error below, and no data is arriving within Cumulocity.

Using the Cumulocity IoT Guide to connect The Things Network

I have followed the software AG guide to setup web hook based integration between the Things Network community edition (TTN), and Cumulocity IoT.

Error message from the TTN log

"data": {
    "@type": "",
    "namespace": "pkg/applicationserver/io/web",
    "name": "request",
    "message_format": "request",
    "correlation_id": "90b5c3bba9bb47ba8e4e11afacaf3fb2",
    "code": 14,
    "details": [
        "@type": "",
        "value": {
          "body": "{\"error\":\"general/internalError\",\"message\":\"[username] cannot access endpoint: /service/ttn-integration\",\"info\":\"\"}",
          "status_code": 401,
          "url": "",
          "webhook_id": "cumulocity-test"

Hi James,

the 401 error indicates an authentication issue, when TTN tries to send data to Cumulocity. Did you specify the Authorization header? Does your specified user have permission to access the TTN Microservice?

Best regards

Hi Christian
Yes the Auth header is there; re-done it a few times to be sure.
I’m not sure how to check whether my username has the access required.
Also, the instructions tell me “to upload the TTN Integration Microservice to your tenant you need to have the feature-microservice-hosting feature subscribed”. I don’t think I have this, and can’t find a way to add it.

So I have a few things on the Cumulocity side which I’d like to check, but maybe a trial account won’t allow it?


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Hi James,

you are correct. A Cumulocity Trial tenant doesn’t have the feature-microservice-hosting subscribed per default. Therefore, the option to upload custom Microservices isn’t enabled on Trial tenants.

Best regards

Thanks Christian,

Now all I need to do is figure out how to contact Cumulocity so they can help me review their product without these limitations. Any suggestions? (All I’ve managed to do it connect to this forum)…


Hi James,

I can technically enable feature-microservice-hosting for your tenant as long as you do the trial.
But I have to clarify before a possible permission. I will come back to you.

Christian Herzog

Great thanks,

By doing this I will be able to get a much better feel for the product - which ultimately is in your interest… :slight_smile:


Hi James,
Once you get the microservice feature enabled, you can also try out the LoRa framework available on github as it will offer you much more features to integrate your devices.
Here is the URL: GitHub - Cumulocity-IoT/cumulocity-lora: LoRa framework including implementations for TTN, Chirpstack, Kerlink Wanesy, Loriot, Actility, Objenious, Live Objects, Orbiwan as well as many codecs and still adding more, and lot of unique features such as user-friendly UI to send device commands, gateway management, codec IDE
Best regards,

Hi James,

before we can enable the feature, we want to know:

  1. What size will the microservice have?
  2. How many resources will be used by the microservice, this covers:
    i) CPUs used
    ii) RAM used
  3. For how long, would you need the subscription?

Regards, Christian

As a trial user with no experience using Cumulocity, would could I possible know?

I’m keen for some help here as I evaluate your product.

I plan to bring in various sensors via TTN and also via Node-Red. Maybe if you tell me how many sensors your prepared to allow for, and I’ll stay within that?


Hi James,
Feature-microservice-hosting is enabled now for
Regards, Christian

Hi James,
sorry, I forgot that you use the existing microservice from GitHub - Cumulocity-IoT/cumulocity-ttn-integration: Cumulocity Microservice to integrate devices and sensors from the The Things Network to Cumulocity. , so it’s fine!
Please proceed with your test and ignore my questions.
Regards, Christian

Hi James,
did the subscription solve your issue?
Regards, Christian

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