Apama Capital Markets Foundation 5.1.1 - announcing service pack

Software AG is pleased to announce the release of Apama Capital Markets Foundation 5.1.1.

Highlights of this release:

New Risk Firewall default rule classes (with CMF samples)
New Order Operation Ratio - Ensures that the number of amend/cancel order operations in a specified time window do not exceed the allowed number as defined by a specified ratio between amend/cancel orders and new orders
New Order to Trade Ratio - Ensures that the number of order operations (new, amend, cancel) in a specified time window do not exceed the allowed number of operations as defined by a specified ratio between order operations and trades
New Reservation Enforcer - Ensures that orders placed against reservation contracts do not exceed the minimum/maximum quantities set for reserved positions
DataViews are exposed to provide statistics about the risk firewalls

Position tracker service enhancements
New Realized Profit and Loss - Provides actual profit and loss values for executed orders normalized to a specific currency
“Position Trackers Sample” code sample in the “samples” folder

New currency converter service
Configuration parameters let you specify the symbols whose values you need to normalize. E.g. For "USD/EUR“, the currency converter will automatically obtain values for EUR to USD as well as for USD to EUR
Realized Profit and Loss position tracker uses this service to obtain values that are normalized to a base currency

Further details on these features are provided in the “What’s New in Apama” guide, available when you download the product.