Apama 5.1.1 - announcing service pack

Software AG is pleased to announce the release of Apama 5.1.1.

Highlights of this release:
Parallel parsing of events arriving in the Correlator. Events arriving in a Correlator are parsed in parallel rather than in sequence – reducing latency and increasing bandwidth.
Automatable packaging of Apama projects for deployment. All Apama project elements can be stored in version control such that an automated build system can fetch the latest copies and build the deployable package taking into account the correct file dependencies.
IBM Web App Server 8.5.5 support. This support is available back to Apama 5.1.
webMethods integration (via webMethods EDA). Apama Studio provides JMS mapping for sending and receiving events in webMethods EDA format.

Further details on these features are provided in the “What’s New in Apama” guide, available when you download the product.
Note: Details of the latest Apama Capital Markets Foundation 5.1.1 release are available in a separate announcement.