*Product/components Cumulocity 1016.0.316
I installed the PowerBI Plugin at Administrations → Ecosystems → Applications → Packages . Check below image-01
But If I search the power bi plugin in my Cokpit Application for adding the widget I don’t find there. Check below image-02.
why this widget is not available in the Cockpit app after installation ???
is there any step I missed, please guide ?
Cumulocity-IoT widget #widget-integration #Tech Community Forum
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it’s these steps needed to make it appear in your Cockpit:
- Install the Package (your screenshot tells that you already did)
- Clone the Cockpit (this needs to be done only once, not per Plugin. Once cloned you can assign multiple plugins to this Application)
- Assign the Plugin to your Application
The GIF at the end of this article are showing the steps needed: link
Thankyou @Korbinian_Butz cloning cockpit again worked for me. Thanks for sharing the detailed steps. 
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