Hey guys,
I wondering if there is a way how I can redirect requests that I make via WebSDK.
My scenario. I have a Angular 16 application that uses the WebSDK. We have many parts in our code that use the MeasurementService from the WebSDK. Now I write a microserice that act as a fasade in front of the measurement api. We want use this microservice instead of the MeasurementService. Now I don’t want search for every snippet in the code that uses the MeasurementService to redirect them to my microservice. I want to redirect all GET requests to /measurement/measurements to my local running microservice.
This all is only for test purposes of my microservice, if still all requests handled proper.
First what I try was to write a interceptor in Angular. But the SDK don’t use the Angular HTTP Client so this was not working.
Then I try to write a proxy.config that I can use in the angular.json (like this here Angular). But this is also not working. I guess this gets in conflict with the proxy settings for the cumulocity endpoint. When I try to login I get this error in browser:
"status": 404,
"statusText": "Not Found",
"url": "http://localhost:4200/tenant/currentTenant"
Any other ideas how to redirect my GET call for measurements?