Required to extract value of the key from the event json data using the blocks of the analytics builder

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What are you trying to achieve? Please describe it in detail.

We are trying to map the string value of the key of event json data using the blocks from the stream analytcis builder.
Here is our model:

The input block type is an Managed Input.
The processing block is a Extract Property
The output block is a measurement output.

The event json data.

We are trying to map the value of the test_status string value to 0 and 1.

Do you get any error messages? Please provide a full error message screenshot and log file.

Have you installed all the latest fixes for the products and systems you are using?


Hi Prathyusha,

I don’t understand what you want to achieve. Creating a measurement out of single event values? Or anything else?

If the data is part of an event you should use the Event Input Block with type “UDI-Event” not the managed input block.

Extract the right path: e.g. lot (to get the lot).

Please note that the measurement output block accepts only numerical values for measurement values.
So you have to convert them to a float within the extract block or using a expression block.

I also saw that you mapped to the time input port. This also must be a float.


I tried using the Event Input block type as Input and Extract property as processing block(property path: test_status) but there was no output. Thats the reason I switched to the managed input block.

Even if I use the Event Input block. There was no output.

You should use the event input block with a specific type. Otherwise you will also retrieve & process events not containing any fragment “test_status” resulting in no output.

Input block:

Processing block:

Output block:

Query of the measuremnt output when new event is trigged.

Why I am not receving any output, where am I doing wrong?

Multiple things:

  1. You cannot cast a string “Rejected” to a float value in Extract Property Block. This must be a numeric string or value.
  2. You are not creating any measurement. Change the connection from “Extract Property” Block to “Value” of the Measurement Output block instead of time. Still this will not work because the value is not a valid float value.

Do you want to count the events of status rejected? If so you need a counter block that counts up for all rejected events. You can implement that with an expression & selector block. Expression: input1 = “Rejected”, Selector: true in input1. Make sure connect the output of expression block to input1. Output of counter goes to “value” of Measurement Output block.
There might be a nicer way to do that but this should work.

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