REACT instead of Angular with Cumulocity Web SDK

Anybody know if we can create a web application using REACT instead of Angular with the Cumulocity SDK ?

Hi Al,

yes, you can also build and upload your own custom UI based on React to Cumulocity.
Regarding the Cumulocity SDKs you will be limited to only using the @c8y/client to interact with the Cumulocity APIs.

You would have to write your WebApp from scratch and are not really able to reuse any of the Angular components that are included in the Cumulocity WebSDK.
So the overall view would have to be rewritten by you in React (from the login page to widgets and everything else…).

If your question was more about using react components within a Cumulocity Angular app, this should in theory also be possible but I’m not sure how this works out in practice.


Hi AI,

If you are looking to develop cumulocity widget in REACT, then there is a sample widget available here.

I believe same concept also possible for web app(in theory).



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