Cumulocity IoT Version 1016 and Application Builder 2.0.0
Detailed explanation of the problem:
Hi, is it possible to use a single dashboard, created in Application Builder, for multiple child devices?
I have a number of cloud fieldbus devices, and each one contains a single child Modbus device.
All of the parent (fieldbus) devices are in one group, and all of the child devices are in another group.
If I try to create a group template dashboard using the child device group, it does not seem to find the child devices.
If instead I set the group to be the parent devices, it does find those and it creates a dashboard for each parent device. But when I then try to add widgets to the dashboard, the widget options dialog states that the (parent) device has no child assets, so I cannot select data points from the child device.
I might be missing something simple - thanks for any help.
If you have all child devices in a group and you are selecting that group in “create group template dashboard” then it should display all devices(child). There is no separate implementation as far as child devices are concern.
See attached screenshot.
I would suggest to open browser console(network tab) and verify childAssets api as highlighted. In my case it is returning two devices for a group.
If you are selecting group of parent devices, then you may not get option to select child device in widget configuration. That implementation is widget specific.
I’ve checked the browser console, and if I select the group (for the group template dashboard) that contains the 2 parent devices, then the childAssets → references data contains 2 items.
However if I select the group that contains the 2 child devices (each child device is a child of one of the parent devices), then the childAssets → references data is empty.
To clarify, I have the devices configured as follows:
Parent device 1
- Child device 1
Parent device 2
- Child device 2
The 2 parents are in one group, and the group template dashboard works if I specify the parent group.
The 2 child devices are in a separate group, and the group template dashboard does not work for that group, because the childAsset references are empty.
I suspect that your child device is missing c8y_IsDevice fragment. Can you please verify that from Device Management.
See below screenshot for reference.