I want to use popover component from websdk. I have set all the popover inputs but not sure how to get the callback on action performed. Has anyone used it? Any pointer would be helpful.
This is my popover code.
<c8y-popover-confirm [buttons]="buttons" [isOpen]="showPopover" [placement]="'bottom'"
[outsideClick]="true" [title]="'do you want to reset the counter ?'" ></c8y-popover-confirm>
buttons = [ { label: gettext('cancel'), action: () => << want to perform some action >>},
{ label: gettext('yes'), status: 'btn btn-primary btn-sm', action: () => << want to perform some action >>} ]
The show option of the popover confirm will return a promise value of the action. Meaning you need to access your poConfirm in the controller (either by passing it over in a function or by accessing it via a viewChild):
buttons = [ { label: gettext('cancel'), action: () => Promise.resolve(false)},
{ label: gettext('yes'), status: 'btn btn-primary btn-sm', action: () => Promise.resolve(true)} ]
async handleDelete(poConfirm: PopoverConfirm) {
const result = await poConfirm.show();
// result contains the value of the action performed. (in this case true or false)