I use the tedge-container-plugin to install container-group. One image contains the configuration file etc/project-conf/my-signal-manager-conf.json,
Which works fine.
Now I want to update the configuration using the tedge-configuration-plugin and get an error, maybe due to wrong owner/permissions.
failed to deploy configuration file: process ‘/usr/bin/sudo’ returned non-zero exit code (1); stderr=“sudo: a password is required”
On startup of the tedge-container-bundle (version ) I mount a volume that will contain my configuration file my-signal-manager-conf.json after the update/installation:
-v "project-conf:/etc/project-conf"
The directory is owned by tedge:
$ ls -la /etc
drwxr-xr-x 2 tedge tedge 4096 Jan 31 11:21 project-conf
but the file inside are owned by root:
/ $ ls -la /etc/project-conf/
total 16
drwxr-xr-x 2 tedge tedge 4096 Jan 31 11:21 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Jan 31 10:39 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 817 Jan 30 10:53 my-signal-manager-conf.json
What changes do I have to make in order to avoid this error?
As the file is mounted to your container I guess you need to change the permission of that file (and folder) locally to tedge:tedge and not root:root before it is mounted to your container. Otherwise the tedge user within the container cannot access this file.
The file is not mounted, but the volume project-conf. And when the tedge-container-plugin deploys the image, the specifc files are copied.
They inherit the ownership (user and group IDs) from the process that creates them. I guess this is the tedge-container-plugin and they seem to be owned by root
Now I look for a way to change this when the tedge-container-plugin` installs the image.