OPCUA scan failed


We are using 10.6 version of OPCUA agent. While scanning the namespaces from the OPCUA server, due to some error attribute called “.Attributes” tag within the namespaces of the OPCUA server, scan is failing. Because of failure we are not able to see the rest of the namespaces in cumulocity address space. When we scanned the same OPCUA server from UA Expert client, I see the address space (I also see the namespace with error). Looks like error handling is done here. Does our OPCUA agent doesn’t have error handling capabilities? how do we resolve this? Any comments or thoughts on this would be highly appreciated.


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Uploading the images of UA Expert address space and error message from logs of agent.

The OPC UA gateway is not handling that error correct in my point of view. It throws an nullpointer due to this BadTimeout error. I am going to report this to R&D team. However, could you please try following:

run operation again with:

POST /devicecontrol/operations/

    "deviceId": "<server-device-Id>",
    "c8y_ua_command_ScanAddressSpace": {
            "skipSync": false
    "description": "Import address space from root node"

I would like to know if address space also failes if address space gets not stored at Cumulocity.

Unfortunatly theres isn’t an exclude option. You can only define the node which should be scanned, to do a partial scan:

POST /devicecontrol/operations/

    "deviceId": "<server-device-Id>",
    "c8y_ua_command_ScanAddressSpace": {
    "description": "Import address space from MyDevice node"


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@Alexander_Pester, thanks for your response.
I already tried by creating the operation manually. And result is same with the scan.

And we have huge number of addressspaces, Scanning all manually itself is a huge task. But let me try doing it to check how it works.


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