Hello Community,
is there a description where the configuration to the dynamic-mapper extension are saved? We have updated the Extension to a new version now the configuration are not working correctly and the tabs are not displayed like (“configuration,mapping,monitoring”)
Product/components used and version/fix level:
Dynamic-mapping-service Version:4.5.1
Dynamic-mapping-UI Version: 4.5.1 → added new Application
Detailed explanation of the problem:
We are using the Extension MQTT-Dynamic-Mapper in our tenant. With some updates to the tenant and also to the Dynamic-Mapper Extension the old configuration (which were made in older Versions) are not accepted in the new view. We have installed the dynamic-mapper extension on an other tenant there it works correctly. On this tenant we get only one Tab and an warning “monitoring not initialized correctly”.
Error messages / full error message screenshot / log file:
Question related to a free trial, or to a production (customer) instance?
We are using this extension on a test tenant on eu-latest.com
@v.reschke Is it showing you the MQTT connectors into configurations tab?
Did you also update the microservice? If not please do so.
We had some breaking changes in the 4.5.x release. It might be necessary to remove the service + some connector configuration.
- Breaking Change: Renaming of MQTT Service to Cumulocity MQTT Service
Please note: Due to changing the type of MQTT Service to Cumulocity MQTT Service you have to delete the “old” MQTT Service connector via API > and re-create it using the UI. You can use the following script to clean all connectors: cumulocity-dynamic-mapper/resources/script/migrate/clean_connection_configuration.sh at 394279acc4c838da94817690ad8b7727c05c7a91 · Cumulocity-IoT/cumulocity-dynamic-mapper · GitHub
GET/DELETE /tenant/options/dynamic.mapper.service/
Existing mappings are not impacted by that.
Can you also try the lastest Pre-Release Release Release v4.5.3_pre · Cumulocity-IoT/cumulocity-dynamic-mapper · GitHub ?
Hello Stefan,
thank you for the information. Now it works and the tabs and configuration are showing correctly. I have deleted the “tenant/option/dynamic.mapper.service” and installed the Prerelease Version of the Microservice and UI.
The only Problem that I have during the installation of the Application I get an error that the key or name are allready used. How can I check which Application is using the information of the dynamic-mapper.
Hi Valerian,
you have to delete the “old” application before you can deploy the new version. Or you can just use a different path but then you have it twice in the application switcher. I would prefer the first option.
Also you can install it as a plugin in a cloned Administration or Device Management application if desired.
Hi Stefan,
thanks for the information.
the old “dynamic-mapper” application is not in the application switcher and in the administration–ecosystem–Application is the old application also not listed. But the path is working and I also get an application-ID of the other application.
I can’t figure out why it is not listed in the applications.