Monitoring of Cumulocity IoT Microservices

I’m excited to invite you to our next IoT Developers virtual event. For more details visit the event page and Software AG Groups.

About the event

Cumulocity IoT can be easily extended using microservices. In complex IoT solutions, you might have multiple microservices which are critical for the whole solution. Close monitoring of these microservices is key to keeping the solution operable. In this event, we will show you how you can achieve that by setting up a monitoring environment, dashboard & alerts!

The following topics will be covered:

  1. Concepts & architecture of microservice monitoring

  2. Prepare microservices for monitoring

  3. Setup of microservice monitoring instance (using Prometheus & Grafana)

  4. Create a monitoring dashboard & alerts (using Grafana)

  5. Q&A

Feedback & Ideas

If you have any questions, ideas, or feedback related to the event please post them as a reply below. We’d love to hear your thoughts.

Video & Slides

Video on Youtube


Microservice_Monitoring.pdf (1.6 MB)


Microservice Monitoring Introduction - Microservice Monitoring in Cumulocity IoT
Basic Microservice Monitoring - Basic Cumulocity IoT Microservice Monitoring
Advanced Microservice Monitoring Part 1 - Advanced Cumulocity IoT Microservice Monitoring - Part 1
Advanced Microservice Monitoring Part 2 - Advanced Cumulocity IoT Microservice Monitoring - Part 2
Advanced Microservice Monitoring Part 3 - Advanced Cumulocity IoT Microservice Monitoring - Part 3
Java Microservices Metrics Template - cumulocity-microservice-templates/metrics at main · Cumulocity-IoT/cumulocity-microservice-templates · GitHub
Python Hello-World Metrics Microservice - GitHub - switschel/cumulocity-hello-world-metrics: A hello-world microservice to demonstrate monitoring capabilities with python
Basic Microservice Monitoring example - Initiating SAML single sign-on
Java Prometheus -
Python Prometheus - GitHub - prometheus/client_python: Prometheus instrumentation library for Python applications
C# Prometheus - GitHub - prometheus-net/prometheus-net: .NET library to instrument your code with Prometheus metrics