Join the IUG Conference Fun in Person! -- Still this week!

Why does it feel so good to meet people in person? Our evolution has wired us to enjoy each other’s company around food and common interests.

This picture is from the 25 Years of the Alphabet solutions evening celebration yesterday. You just don’t experience this contagious laughter when you participate only online.

In my professional life as an enterprise community guy, I have been to many user conferences. Software AG’s IUG Conference is head and shoulders above most.

  • It is free to attend. I pinch myself in disbelief. It is just so customer-friendly.
  • It is held at a brand new conference center including excellent coffee machines :slight_smile:
  • It is next to the Den Hague’s main train station which makes it really convenient for you to get there using public transportation.
  • The food is amazing. Loved that someone walked around with glasses of soup, so you could enjoy it while continuing your interesting conversation.
  • A long-time Software AG employee shared with me that all people at the company are kind, helpful, and smart. That totally reverberates at this conference.
  • The networking is fab. I had lovely interesting conversations with folks from Finland, Saudi Arabia, Italy, UK, and Tunesia, … A truly international event.
  • You can schedule 1x1 time with experts that you otherwise have to pay top dollars to talk to.

The IUG Conference 2022 is going on for another couple of days. Focus topics on Thursday/Friday will be Webmethods/Cumulocity.

Please clear your calendar, hope on a train, and join us here in person. You will not regret it. I will personally pay you back your registration fee if you are not 100% satisfied. :wink:

OK, I will serve you a coffee of your choice once you arrive :slight_smile:

See you here!