IoT DataHub Failed offloading job notification

What product/components do you use and which version/fix level?

Cumulocity IoT 1013.0.125
Cumulocity IoT DataHub web application

What are trying to achieve? Please describe in detail.

Is there a way to get a notification if my offloading job in IoT DataHub fails? Would it be possible to create an alarm for example? Or is there a way to send an email directly?

Currently, there is no such option, but we are considering it for future versions.

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Hi @Nick_Ponomar1,

great suggestion – we’ll not offer email, but creating alarms is on our roadmap anyway.
What you can do in the mean-time to have some kind of monitoring:
the microservice has an endpoint /scheduler/health that you can call via HTTPS GET. It will return HTTP 200 in case all offloading pipelines are “green”/stable and HTTP 500 otherwise with a human-readable error message in the response’s body.

A full example of eu-latest (tenant “demo”):

I hope that helps short-term.

Thanks, Tim

@Tim_Doernemann1 Health check for the scheduler works. Thanks!

Hi @Nick_Ponomar1

Please vote for this on the ideas portal so we can gauge demand:


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