Internal occured while trying to activate the model in analytics builder

What product/components do you use and which version/fix level are you on?


Is your question related to the free trial, or to a production (customer) instance?


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I am trying activate the model in the production mode and I received the below error.

Have you installed all the latest fixes for the products and systems you are using?


Which tenant?

Tenant id: t129954457

What is the tenant URL?

If the model in question is ‘Live_Packges_Count’ I suspect the size of it is causing the timeout.

I created a duplicate copy of the model application and deleted many models inside and I am facing same issue.

Your problem has found an issue the Analytics builder.

The issue is occurring when there exist a chain of the PRODUCTION models and while all models are deployed, a copy of one of the models is deployed in the TEST mode and then un-deployed.

In this case, models “Live_Packges_Count #1” and “aggregation” were deployed in PRODUCTION mode, forming a chain: “Live_Packges_Count #1” → “aggregation”
Later model Live_Packges_Count is deployed in the TEST mode. The model “Live_Packges_Count” had input and output blocks similar to the model “Live_Packges_Count #1”. When the model “Live_Packges_Count” is un-deployed it creates problem. After this once model “Live_Packges_Count #1” or “aggregation” are un-deployed, then cannot be deployed again.

We have restarted the Apama microservice and you should avoid deploying models in TEST mode which has input or output blocks similar to one of the existing already deployed model.

R&D have a task to fix the issue.

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