Inserting a new menu entry right drawer

Hello Cumulocity community,
We would like to add an additional entry to the right menu (Right Drawer). We were able to achieve this using the “hookDrawer”.

    component: CustomDrawerItemComponent,
    position: 'right',
    priority: 0,

The issue is that the menu entry is always added at the last position, regardless of the priority value provided. As a result, the entry is placed below “Legal notices,” which doesn’t look very appealing. Is it possible to position it at least above “Legal notices” or ideally directly below “UI settings”?

Thank you in advance!

Hi @Lorn_Kjewlsvar,

Which priorities did you try and on which Web SDK version?

I gave this a try by adjusting the priority of the sample in the tutorial app.

By adjusting it to e.g. 200, I can see it right on top:

By adjusting it to 81, I can move it underneath the UI settings:



Ah thank you, that helped. I tried with up to priority 20 and nothing changed. I didn’t find any documentation of how much priority is to be set to place it under the ui settings. But that helped tremendously.

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