Ingesting data in Cumulocity

I have been trying to ingest my own data in Cumulocity with the Cumulocity API but all the informations i found hasn’t been usefull

How can i import my data (with or without the API)?

Hi @albert.avetisyan

that is very hard to answer because we don’t know which information you found (and found to be not useful) and what kind of data you want to ingest.
Any details would help.

In general you can find a lot of information here: Overview - Cumulocity IoT Guides
Here: Cumulocity - OpenAPI
And here in the community: Data integration options with Cumulocity IoT

Hello @Stefan_Witschel

Besides the API problems, I’ve been struggling to use the DataHub application on my environement, i couldn’t even find it.
is there a way to download it or a another way to add it to my environnement ?

Hi @albert.avetisyan,

DataHub is a tool for data offloading not for data ingestion. Also it is a paid feature that needs to be purchased and enabled for each tenant.
So the reason you don’t see it might be that your tenant has not subscribed that feature. You have to contact your SAG contact person to get it enabled.


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Okay thank you for corecting me !

So how am i supposed to ingest my data (.json) with the API ?

I have the entire Postman collection of Cumulocity but i cannot find the correct request.

You cannot just ingest any JSON data to Cumulocity IoT. First you have to map them to the Cumulocity Domain Model.
You should start reading the links I’ve posted :wink:

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