Hi Team,
I have created below page in App-builder cumulocity but i’m not able to make hyperlink active.
I’m Sharing my code for your reference:
const configNode = new NavigatorNode({
label: 'test',
icon: 'dashboard',
priority: 100
const configNode1 = new NavigatorNode({
label: 'test 1',
icon: 'dashboard',
path: `/application/`,
priority: 99
const configNode2 = new NavigatorNode({
label: 'test 2',
icon: 'dashboard',
path: `/application/`,
priority: 98
const navs=new NavigatorNode({
label: gettext('test 3'),
icon: 'th-large',
path: '/application/13056/inputForm',
priority: 97,
routerLinkExact: true
configNavService.changeConfigNode(appId, configNode);
configNavService.changeConfigNode(appId, configNode1);
configNavService.changeConfigNode(appId, configNode2);
if (userService.hasAllRoles(appStateService.currentUser.value, ["ROLE_INVENTORY_ADMIN","ROLE_APPLICATION_MANAGEMENT_ADMIN"])) {
return [configNode,configNode1,configNode2,navs];
} else {
return [];
} else {
return [];