Could it be that events in Feb did not contain any of these values?
In your Postman screen you are showing events from today while in data hub you are showing events from Feb. 2023, so my assumption is that the “old” events don’t have these values therefor “null” but the columns are there because newer events have them.
Can you check on newer events in data hub / data lake?
Hello @Stefan_Witschel
as you see I just ordered them DESC but I am just seeing just the test_status column changing from null to “passed” or “rejected” ;;; while in Rest API i saw all the data present
I guess you are querying ALL events not just UDI-Events. That’s of course the reason some of the columns are “null”.
The reason that some other columns are still null for “UDI-Events” while test_status contains values must be clarified in a support ticket I guess. Maybe it is because of some characters that causing issues like “/” for example. But this is of course only an assumption.