How to incorporate icons into a C8Y application

I am trying to integrate icons into my cumulocity application: they consist of two logo icons, both .svg files, one blue and the other white, that I want to integrate at two different locations.

I would like the blue logo to appear inside the app switcher after the user opens the window ( i.e. at location 1 in the screenshot) and I would like the white logo to appear inside the navigation panel above the app name at location 2.


Both icons are included in the assets folder in my dist folder, which I then deployed to my tenant, and they are also included in the assets folder at the root level of my application.

For the first logo, I have tried modifying my package.json to include an icon field within the c8y object, to no effect.

  "c8y": {
    "application": {
      "name": "Technical Service",
      "contextPath": "karl-storz-demo",
      "key": "karl-storz-demo-application-key",
      "dynamicOptionsUrl": "/apps/public/public-options/options.json",
      "brandingEntry": "./branding/branding.less",
      "hidePowered": true,
      "hideNavigator": true,
      "icon": {
        "url": "url(/apps/karl-storz-demo/assets/log-ks-blue.svg)"
    "cli": {}

I tried to get the second logo to appear in the navigator by using styling in the branding.less file as follows:

:root {
    --navigator-header-bg: #074089 !important;
    --navigator-platform-logo: url('/assets/logo-ks-white.svg') !important;
    --navigator-platform-logo-height: 36px !important; 

While I was able to change the color background to my desired color, the white icon unfortunately does not appear.

I have an example with this in cumulocity.json…

“name”: “c8yicontest”,
“contextPath”: “c8yicontest”,
“key”: “c8yicontest-application-key”,
“icon”: {
“url”: “url(/apps/c8yicontest/tshirt.png)”
“tabsHorizontal”: true,
“upgrade”: true,
“rightDrawer”: true,
“breadcrumbs”: false,
“sensorAppOneLink”: “OneLink.To”,
“sensorPhone”: true,
“contentSecurityPolicy”: “base-uri ‘none’; default-src ‘self’ ‘unsafe-inline’ http: https: ws: wss:; connect-src ‘self’ * http: https: ws: wss:; script-src ‘self’ * * * ‘unsafe-inline’ ‘unsafe-eval’ data:; style-src * ‘unsafe-inline’ blob:; img-src * data:; font-src * data:; frame-src *;”,
“globalTitle”: “Cumulocity”,
“legacy”: false

…and the image is in the base directory of the zip…

Does that work for you?

Hi Robert,

I noticed that I had made a typo in the url field of my icon object in package.json. Once I corrected it, the icon appears on the application switcher; however, it is not filling up the space adequately.

Any ideas for getting the white logo to display?

Does this help?

I think you might need ‘/apps/karl-storz-demo/…’ also for the platform logo.

Hi Lucas,

Your svg has it’s width set to 1024 and height set to 362.
If you try to make it a square (same width and height) where the logo is in the center, it should also be centered in the app switcher.

Hi Robert,

Yes, I was consulting that page. I tried to add /apps/karl-storz-demo/ to the --navigator-platform-logo field, but I would get an error stating that the file does not exist.

Hi Tristan,

How would I go about changing the branding of the displayed widget? I tried adding a “width” field to the icon object inpackage.json but nothing happened.

"c8y": {
    "application": {
      "name": "Technical Service",
      "contextPath": "karl-storz-demo",
      "key": "karl-storz-demo-application-key",
      "dynamicOptionsUrl": "/apps/public/public-options/options.json",
      "brandingEntry": "./branding/branding.less",
      "hidePowered": true,
      "hideNavigator": true,
      "icon": {
        "url": "url(/apps/karl-storz-demo/assets/logo-ks-blue.svg)",
        "width": 362
    "cli": {}

You need to adjust the SVG itself.

I adjusted the height and width to both be 362 and, unfortunately, the problem still persists.

My 10.17 app has this in branding.less…

@navigator-platform-logo: if(@use-relative-paths, ‘…/img/logo-tralux.png’, ‘img/logo-tralux.png’);

…and the png file is in the application directory …cp1017\node_modules@c8y\style\img

I managed to display the white icon on the navigation bar by importing the main.less file rather than the extend.less file as follows:

@import '~@c8y/style/main.less';

As for the blue icon, it seems that I will have to find one that already comes with square dimensions.

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