Product/components used and version/fix level are you on:
Backend: 1015.0.278
UI: 1011.0.38
Detailed explanation of the problem:
I have created a simple custom widget and install it on Cumulocity and I am able to use that widget , I am using application builder , I have followed these links till now
my question is how i will able to get alarm on this widget either I have to integrate API and deploy it , will it work ? will I able to see when ever alarm come on that API?
or there is any other way by which I can show alarms on that widget
Error messages / full error message screenshot / log fileL
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Have you installed all the latest fixes for the products and systems you are using?
Thank You @Darpankumar_Lalani ,
means Just i have to call rest api in my widget project and show those data in widget but is it really change if api sending some value , is it reflected that time?
look like this
now what i want , i want to execute shell command from my custom widget code i and then want to call my alarms api so that i can show my ui alarms in the widget so once shell command executed we will alarm rest api call and we will show values in custom widget, widget using angular , what kind of process and steps i have to follow little docs and info can help a lot .
Just I need some step guide or suggestion so that i can achieve my requirement easily so if possible provide me some docs or guide something.
I want
execute shell command from custom widget code
after Shell command execution is done in custom widget code , I want to call my alarm rest API and use these values in custom widget.