About the video
In this video we will show in depth how to convert Cumulocity IoT widgets to plugins which has been introduced with Cumulocity IoT 10.16. What´s new - Cumulocity IoT Guides
Further information
How to install a Microfrontend Plugin on my tenant?
With the release of version 1016 of the WebSDK, you can officially install Microfrontend plugins on your tenant. For older tenants (starting with 1013) it is possible too. While there is a comprehensive guide around the whole plugin concept already available , we want to focus here just on the part how to install and activate plugins on a tenant.
How to know that the repository contains a plugin?
[Bildschirmfoto 2023-02-08 um 12.21.06]
Micro frontends sound like the next buzzword. But it follows the same reasoning as microservices for the backend: loosely coupled functionality that can be developed and deployed independently. It is the de facto standard to avoid monolith and deep integration to allow better distribution of resources for developing and running that functionality.
Image 1: Separation of micro frontends allows self-empowered teams. (by: Martin Fowler)
As application complexi…