How to add dashboards under device?

Product/components used and version/fix level:

Cumulocity IoT Prod

Detailed explanation of the problem:

I would like to add the dashboard under device level. I don’t have any option to add dashboard. I mean plus icon. I can able to add under groups but not device level. So I tried to copy the dashboard from groups and paste it in device. I am getting below error. I have attached a screenshot for ref. This dashboards Overall Monthly, Weekly Quarterly has added in group level similar kind of dashboards I would like to add in device level. How can I add that ?

Error messages / full error message screenshot / log file:


Hi Mohan,

it seems like you are running a custom application here. Have you tried if you are able to add your dashboard within the default shipped Cockpit app?
It would also be helpful if you could provide the UI version that you are currently running.

This might also be related to permissions, do you have full inventory admin access or are you using inventory roles?


Hi Tristan,

I am able to add from default cockpit. Can’t we add from custom cockpit ? If user want to add dashboard for device then he should come to default cockpit only ?

We are using UI: 1015.0.249 and Having admin role


Then my assumption would be that you broke something with the adjustments you did to your custom cockpit. Maybe check the changes that you did.

Okay !

I have disabled some of the not required tabs in ng1.ts file. So I commented smartRules, dataExplorer and alarms. Because of that I am not able to see the add option in tabs under device level. So minimum one option should enable to see add dashboard option in tabs ?

And If I comment smartRules

import ‘@c8y/ng1-modules/cockpit-smartRulesUI/cumulocity.json’;

that is not getting reflected in group level it is getting disabled only in device level. Because I don’t have any use case to show smartRules in group level. Do we have any other option to disable in group level as well ?


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