Headless and non-interactive Apama Installations

A common request from our customers is for a headless, non-interactive installation of Apama and I’m pleased to say this is possible for the Community Edition of Apama too.

We’ve created a script that does this for the current version of Apama Community Edition ( This script is for Linux installations, but you can easily create one for Windows by following the instructions further down the page.

When using the script, you’ll need to tailor it for your installation:

  • Change the PAM.Work.Directory, InstallDir and sagInstallerLogFile properties to your chosen locations
  • Make sure the ‘imageFile’ property points to the data/SAGImage.zip you should find in your unzipped installer package

You can then run the installer headlessly with:

./install –console –readScript headlessinstall.props

from within your unzipped installation package directory. You can now deploy Apama easily across multiple machines, should you wish to. The script will automatically accept the license agreement on your behalf – you’ll need to run the installer without the arguments to read the license agreement.

Please note that the script file is specific to each version of Apama Community Edition as the InstallProducts field is versioned. This means it’ll need to be edited for future versions of Apama. Fortunately, that’s straightforward to do yourself.

If you’re on Windows and would also like to do headless installs, this will allow you to generate your own script:

  • If you’re using the console, you can record a script by running the installer with the -writeScript myscriptfile.props flag i.e.

./install -writeScript myscriptfile.props -console

Note that , if you just want to use console mode for installation anyway (on any platform), you can just pass the -console option to the installer executable on the command line

  • If you’re running with an X Server, or on a Windows machine you generate one by running the main installer and clicking the ‘Advanced Options’ dialog on the first panel. The following dialog will pop up:

All you have to do is click ‘Create script’ and provide a location for the installer to record your desired settings to, as shown. Once done, click OK and proceed through installation.

Once completed, the properties file will contain the values required for subsequent headless installations of Apama – just remember to remove the ‘HostName’ property if you’re planning to use this file to drive installation on another machine. Please do let us know on the forums if you have any issues – thanks for reading.