I am using Developing an application with Monitor script tutorial for sensors events.In the Sensoreventgenerator.mon, number of sensors to generate are 15 but in the correlator i could see only max of 9 sensors data? is it because of no license file?
The lack of license shouldn’t be limiting the number of instances created by the monitor. When you say “in the correlator i could see only max of 9 sensors data” can you explain exactly where it is you are looking? If you go into the runtime perspective (Window->Perspective->Open Perspective->Other then find “Apama Runtime”) and find the Scenario Browser, it should show all the sensor instances that have been created.
Hi Daniel,
Yes I meant Scenario Browser showing only 0-8 sensors even though event generator has 15 sensors defined and also in dashboard viewer also i see 9 sensors data instead of 15
That seems quite odd. Are you using the imported “completed” tutorial project or is this something you wrote? If this is your EPL, have you tried running it in the debugger to see where things might be going wrong? If you are using the completed tutorial, all I can say is that I am seeing 18 instances when I run the “Tutorial EPL 11 - Visualizing Data” project without a license. Note that 3 instances are from the SensorTest.evt file and the remaining 15 are generated from the SensorEventGenerator.mon file.
As I wrote the previous reply it did dawn on me that the limit for contexts without a license is 20. It may be that you have written the EPL to create two contexts for each instance (instead of one) and you are indeed hitting the 20 context limit. Can you check your correlator log for something with :
Error on line XX of monitor Sensoreventgenerator: LicenceException - Without a license file the correlator is restricted to no more than 20 contexts…
Hi Daniel,
I see this error in correlator console
2018-06-04 13:30:46.166 ERROR [10580] - Error on line 6 of monitor SensorMonitor: LicenceException - Without a license file the correlator is restricted to no more than 20 contexts
but i just copied from cheatsheat of the tutorials as is.Also if its 20 contexts then i should have 10 sensors data instead of 9?
Hi Daniel,
when Query support Bundle is removed i see 18 sensors data including 3 instances from sensorTest.evt file.
Glad you figured out where the additional contexts were being created. To help figure out what contexts have been created in the future, you can see Contexts in the Apama Runtime “Engine Information” tab.
Hope that is useful.
Engine Information tab is indeed correct place to find out no of contexts. Thanks for the tip.