Errors received while trying to build the customised cumulocity-datapoints-charting-widget

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We are trying to develop customised cumulocity-datapoints-charting-widget.
We attempt to generate application file using the npm install -g gulp command.
And we are receving the following errors.

How to generate file inorder to install it in the cumulocity dashboard.

Do you get any error messages? Please provide a full error message screenshot and log file.

Have you installed all the latest fixes for the products and systems you are using?


Hi Prathyusha,

I guess you have specified a not existing version for the angular package. 1010.21.0 looks more like a version of a Cumulocity package.
This original cumulocity-datapoints-charting-widget seems to be using version 1.6.9 (cumulocity-datapoints-charting-widget/package.json at master · Cumulocity-IoT/cumulocity-datapoints-charting-widget · GitHub), so you’ve changed it for some reason, maybe by accident?



I have not changed the angular package version in the package.json.

The procedure followed to build the widget.
Angular CLI version number 15.0.0
npm version number 8.11.0
node version number v16.16.0

  1. Cloned the cumulocity-datapoints-charting-widget in VS Studio Code.
  2. Installed all the depedencies using npm install
  3. Changed the bar percentage value in the src code folder.
  4. Build the widget with command npm install -g gulp.
    The result of the npm install -g gulp command.

    No file provided in the dist folder.
  5. Used npm audit fix --force command to fix vunerabilties.
    It gave us the following errors.


I think latest angular cli and node version are not compatible.
Please try using below version:
Angular CLI version 8.1.x
Node version 14.x.x
Once you install above version, then please delete node_modules, package-lock.json and run npm install again.


I installed the Angular CLI version version 8.1.2
Node version 14.16.0
I ran the npm install command. It generated a node_modules and package-lock.json file.
I ran the npm install -g gulp command.
Here is the iutput of the command.

Expected result is to generate a cumulocity-datapoints-charting-widget zip file inorder to install to the cumulocity dashboard.
What is the command to generate a widget zip file.


Please execute “npm run buildRuntime” to generate zip file. Zip file will be found in “dist” folder.
This command you can also find in package.json → script section.


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