Deployment from Designer

The suggested way of deploying Apama applications developed in Designer is by using ‘Apama Ant Export’ on the project. In this blog we will talk about how to deploy a sample on any platform without much alteration to the properties of the project. This blog assumes the reader has a basic degree of knowledge on Ant scripts.


Firstly, we’ll import one of the Demos already available as part of your installation. If this is your first launch, Designer should open the Welcome Screen automatically. If it didn’t open at start up (for instance, because you already have a project loaded) you can get to it via the Help menu (Select the ‘Welcome’ option).

Select “Demos” under “Your Installed Products”. We’ll then see a list of all Demos available.

Let’s import the “ Weather ” demo from the list by clicking the Open button. Designer will now switch to the “Apama Workbench” perspective with the Intro page of the sample opened.


Now our workspace has the sample imported, we can deploy this project to the location of our choice on the file system. To do so, right-click the project and choose the “Export” option.

This will launch the Export Wizard and in the filter, search and choose “Apama Ant Export”. Complete the “Ant Export” wizard page by providing a valid destination directory.

Finishing this wizard will generate Ant scripts in the destination directory (In this case at ‘ C:/projects/weather ‘). The generated Ant scripts contain information about where the Application is located and the components that need to be started etc.


In order the execute this project, open the “Apama Command Prompt” from Start Menu → All Programs → Software AG → Tools → Apama. This command prompt by default has environment properties set that are required for any project to execute (like APAMA_HOME , APAMA_WORK ).
Once we are at the exported location of the project, we can launch it by calling startProject.bat .

Start Project

cd c:/projects/weather

This will launch the project that is pointed at by the variable PROJECT_DIR. You can change the value of this variable defined in (‘/’).
In the same way, to stop the project call stopProject.bat and to close the dashboards simply click the ‘X’ icon on the right side top corner of the dashboard.

Stop Project


If we want to launch the project in more verbose mode, use the command below :-


cd c:/projects/weather
ant -debug


Ant export eases the process of deploying a application from one platform to another platform just by changing some of the path values and this is most supported way of deploying a project.