Dell Edge Gateway Integration

I am following the steps mentioned over:

There are not working for me looks like something missing here. Please help me to get all steps required to get data from Dell Edge Gatway.

Divya Garg

Hi Divya,

we like to help. For that it would be great to know at which step you are struggeling.

best regards

Thanks for the reply Michael.

What I am trying to understand right now is only Modbus is the way to connect Dell Edge Gateway with Cumulocity? I could find only Modbus configuration for this device. I have other protocols like OPCUA or PROFINET and is there any way to connect Dell Edge Gateway with these protocols as well using Dell Edge Gateway agent.

My set-up is Raspberry pi which is sending sensors data to OPCUA server. I have to read this data and send to Comulocity.
What I am more interested into right direction to achieve this?

Thanks in advance
Divya Garg

Hi Divya,

you can connect the gateway with Modbus to Cumulocity.

best regards