I’m playing with this, but can’t get it to work. I’ve imported an API into API Gateway (the Cumulocity API). I can call it just fine via the gateway. Now I want to go via the API Portal.
Created 2nd user in API Portal
Logged in as this user, find the API in the catalog and try to register
Registration request get automatically approved, but then the process stops
Application is never created. Error message: DELIVERY_UNSUCCESSFUL
The API Gateway user as defined in the API Portal destination of API Gateway (wM.io) might not be configured properly (wrong user name or password).
I have multiple times observed (and created a ticket SI-493580) that API Portal destination configuration gets corrupted during either minor fix or major release upgrades of wM.io API Gateway.
that was it. I looked for that configuration in API Portal (it’s in API Gateway, though), didn’t find it and figured “must be autoconfigured”. Well, it wasn’t
Facing similar issue with the trial, I have no way to delete the application and have reached the limit of 5 Applications in the trail. Couldn’t find a way to delete the applications from the developer portal.