DELIVERY_UNSUCCESSFUL when registering an application in developer portal


I’m using API, free edition

Scenario & Issue

I’m playing with this, but can’t get it to work. I’ve imported an API into API Gateway (the Cumulocity API). I can call it just fine via the gateway. Now I want to go via the API Portal.


  • Created 2nd user in API Portal
  • Logged in as this user, find the API in the catalog and try to register
  • Registration request get automatically approved, but then the process stops
    Application is never created. Error message: DELIVERY_UNSUCCESSFUL

Some 401, apparently towards API Gateway?


This seems like a very basic scenario, what do I miss here?

Thank you and kind regards, Christoph

Hi Christoph,

The API Gateway user as defined in the API Portal destination of API Gateway ( might not be configured properly (wrong user name or password).


I have multiple times observed (and created a ticket SI-493580) that API Portal destination configuration gets corrupted during either minor fix or major release upgrades of API Gateway.








Thanks Peter,

that was it. I looked for that configuration in API Portal (it’s in API Gateway, though), didn’t find it and figured “must be autoconfigured”. Well, it wasn’t :slight_smile:

Cheers, Christoph

Facing similar issue with the trial, I have no way to delete the application and have reached the limit of 5 Applications in the trail. Couldn’t find a way to delete the applications from the developer portal.

I don’t think there is a way out of this situation when you use the Trial version.
I’d start with a new Trial instance.

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Yes, thanks for the prompt response. Yes went ahead and recreated the trial environment. But there should be a way to delete unregistered applications

There is, just not for Trial accounts AFAIK.

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