Cumulocity-wirepas positioning engine integration


we would like to integrate wirepas positioning engine with cumulocity platform in order to get the positioning updates of wirepas tags on the platform. Is it something out of the box from the platform? or is there any plugin built for wirepas WPE which could be added to the platform to facilitate this task? or is there at least any github references which would help in building this capability using for example a python middleware?


This is the first time I’ve heard about Wirepas to be honest.
If my understanding is correct, Wirepas WPE is an addon that could be installed on Wirepas gateways, therefore your best option is to install on the gateway and build your own thin-edge mapper for Wirepas WPE → Cumulocity.
Please have a look here: Thin-edge
Basically you’d configure Wirepas WPE to publish on local MQTT bridge provided by and have the custom bridge subscribe to those events to forward them as Cumulocity positioning events. You can write that in Python if you wish, I don’t know what’s the complexity of WPE data model, but I’d bet that should be rather straightforward.
If the gateway manages multiple devices, and therefore multiple positions, offers the capability to manage child devices, meaning in Cumulocity you would have the digital twin of gateway, and each device as a child device of the gateway with their position.

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