Cumulocity Tabular Data

Hello everyone,
I want to display data (devices actually) in a table and I know c8y provides layout to do that. I also read the guide about that but it just introduce the Data Grid component. The link is broken and no guide about that is available.
Actually I would like to know how can i use serverSideDataCallback or if there is a way to use it without a simple array of data as input, because we should have lots of entry in our DB to be displayed.
Is there some example, material or documentation about that?

Hello Gianmarco,
please let me know on which page which link is broken, hopefully I can clarify that.
Regards, Christian

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Hi Christian the link it the following:
that redirect to this:
In the meanwhile are you able to give me a solution? :rofl:

I see that they appear the same, but the first one has /components/data-grid at the end of the URL. In fact, there isn’t the data grid section under component list in the navbar.

OK I understood:
don’t work, I can confirm that.
It redirects to:

The official page is:
and there is also a chapter “components” but no subpoint “data-grid”.
Unfortunately I found no documentation to it and I also cannot answer the question.

Where do you found the document where you say about: “I also read the guide about that but it just introduce the Data Grid component”?

Here it is the link:

It tells to read the Data Grid guide " Always use the Data-grid component as it enables advanced interaction controls to record lists and is fully responsive."

But this is the link that is broken.

Yes it the same on:
There the same link “data-grid” is also not working, I try to clarify that.

Thank you Christian. I’m waiting for good news from you :sweat_smile:

A colleague informed me that is the “production” version and is the “staging” version.
It is under construction, but there are still some components missing.
One of those is the data-grid, we will update it step by step.


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Thank you Christian. Unfortunately I have to wait for the update because I didn’t find anything useful for data-grid in tutorial app or web sdk.
Let me know if there is some additional documentation :sweat_smile:
Have a good day.

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