Cumulocity IoT Edge 10.13 Release

Cumulocity IoT Edge 10.13 is available for download

We are happy to announce the availability of Cumulocity IoT Edge 10.13, which can be downloaded from the Software AG Empower portal (

While incorporating the Cumulocity IoT 10.13 improvements, in this Edge release, we have further enhanced the configuration and troubleshooting options of Edge instances.

Additional Edge Configuration Options:

In this release, we continued to focus on simplifying the configuration and operation of edge instances, here we added:

  • Ability to change the hostname of your edge appliance, via the Administration Application on the Management Tenant (Documentation)

  • Time synchronization configuration via Administration Application including the option to choose your preferred NTP server (Documentation)

  • All configuration options are available via REST API, which allows you to automate the configuration steps fully.

Remote Diagnostics and Troubleshooting:

In previous versions of Cumulocity IoT Edge, we added the ability to register and manage your Edge appliance via Cumulocity IoT Device Management (Link). To further improve the remote operation we added:

  • A new remote diagnostic functionality, which allows you to request a diagnostic report from any edge instance that is connected to your Cumulocity IoT cloud tenant. It contains a snapshot of all configurations and logs which are needed for troubleshooting. (Documenation)

  • For Cumulocity IoT Edge Standalone deployments we furthermore introduced an additional option to generate the report via the Administration App UI locally. (Documentation)

Upgrade now!:

If you are on Cumulocity IoT Edge 10.9 or 10.11, you can download the upgrade archive on Empower and run the upgrade locally via the Admin UI or remotely from your Cumulocity IoT Cloud tenant (Documentation).

Register for the on-demand webinar to see the demo and hear the details from product managers on how you can connect and manage edge solutions running on low-power devices faster, easier, with greater security and flexibility.

Further details:

• Release notes: Edge - Cumulocity IoT Guides
• Documentation link: Introduction - Cumulocity IoT Guides
• Download Cumulocity IoT Edge from:
• Open API Specifications Cumulocity IoT - OpenAPI Specifications