Cumulocity IoT Core Platform 10.5.7

With Cumulocity IoT Core Platform, end-2-end IoT applications can be built faster than ever, allowing you to prove the value of your IoT solutions much sooner. Cumulocity IoT can be deployed wherever you need it: In the Cloud, on-premises and on the edge. It combines our leading technologies ranging from secure device, cloud & enterprise integration over streaming & predictive analytics to process automation and application development.

Highlights of the latest release:

IoT Kernel
Use the Google Authenticator App to setup Two-Factor-Authentication (TFA) for your Cumulocity IoT accounts.
Enhanced browsing through and download of microservice logs makes it easier to troubleshoot and monitor your own Cumulocity IoT extensions.
Several improvements for the integration of an external IAM system through Single-Sign-On.

Device Connectivity and Management
Radically improved OPC-UA integration. Fully configuration driven setup that does not require any coding. Support for e.g. multiple servers, remote address space browsing, bi-directional communication, automated device discovery.
The new SNMP Integration allows for monitoring any IoT endpoint that supports the SNMP protocol. Fully configuration driven setup that does not require any coding. Integrate any device by simply uploading the device definition (in MIB format) published by the device vendor and using our auto-discovery feature. Map SNMP traps into Measurements, Events or Alarms in order to monitor your devices.

The complete Release Notes are available on:

[size=20]Cumulocity IoT Streaming Analytics 10.5.7[/size]

Cumulocity IoT Streaming Analytics provides streaming analytics and intelligent automated actions on fast-moving big data to the Cumulocity IoT platform.

Enhancements to Cumulocity IoT Streaming Analytics:
Analytics Builder and EPL Apps include diagnostic web links in the UI that allow developers to download a snapshot of the current microservice status to help with debugging. The diagnostic snapshot contains recent microservice log entries, Apama-internal diagnostics information, a copy of all EPL applications, Smart Rules and Analytics Builder models, a copy of any alarms that the microservice has raised, CPU profiling, environment information (tenant details, environment variables) and version numbers of the components.

Cumulocity IoT Streaming Analytics release notes are available in the Cumulocity IoT guides at:

Apama release notes are available at:

[size=20]Cumulocity IoT Machine Learning 10.5.7[/size]

Cumulocity IoT Machine Learning platform provides a standards based inference engine for operational deployment, management and execution of Machine Learning models. It is available as a micro-service on the cloud, as a standalone server on-premises and as a plug-in component for Big Data platforms and stream processing engines.

Highlights of the latest release:
Enable ingestion of time series data:
-Given any time series data, users can generate ARIMA models.
-This functionality will be backed by REST endpoints offering users the option to invoke them from any client.
Enhanced support for time series:
-Representation and computation of confidence intervals as an output for time series models.
-Added support for Kalman Filters for the “exactLeastSquares” prediction method.
Modification of charts for scheduled data processing:
-The histogram is replaced with a line chart.
-Timestamps pertaining to every measurement is part of the line chart

Updates related to open source releases:
Version 4.1.0 of Nyoka is now available (Release Notes:, documentation: Redirecting to
Version 2.2.0 of R PMML Package is now available. Release Notes:, documentation:
First release of R Cumulocity Package is now available at Documentation:

Release Notes are available at