Cumulocity IoT Alarm Management App: Open Source


The open-source Alarm Management App for iOS and Android is now available on GitHub. Use it to integrate into your applications, giving you a head start in utilizing alarm management features.

Feature Highlights

  • Provides visibility of device alarms and events on the Cumulocity IoT platform. ​
  • Supports real-time push notifications for alarms as per watch list.​
  • Get details like number of alarms, first occurrences, alarm status and alarm recency.​
  • Alarms can be viewed, acknowledged and cancelled from the mobile device.​
  • Add comments on the alarms to add additional info and use it to collaborate within teams​.
  • Dark mode.

The Alarm Management App is open-source and available on GitHub, making it easy for developers and organizations to integrate it into their applications.

For enabling push notifications requires dedicated microservices to be deployed on your Cumulocity IoT tenant. Read more here.

Try it out!

You can download the unsigned .APK for android here and try it out: GitHub Releases.

Below is a GIF that will guide you through a brief demonstration of the application in dark mode:
C8Y IoT Alarm Management Application iOS Dark Mode 2

Useful links | Relevant resources

Access GitHub Repository here: GitHub - Cumulocity-IoT/cumulocity-alarmapp: The Cumulocity IoT Alarm App brings alarms on your mobile phone! You'll see a handy overview about all alarms.


Its very useful for me, thanks a lot!

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