I am developing a widget with Web SDK.
However, I cannot find the most API specification of the SDK.
For example, what is “groupsSelectable”? “noDeviceTarget”?
I want to know the all specification of data.ng1.options.
I have read the tutorials (Overview - Cumulocity IoT Guides and other pages), but I could not find the detail.
Could you provide the link of the Web SDK specification?
If you don’t have the document, could you tell me how to know the specification?
im not sure if there is any document on this. but it uses ContextWidgetConfig interface.
for eg: it is set like below.
data: {
// The settings object can be used to configure the configComponent
settings: {
noNewWidgets: false, // Set this to true, to don't allow adding new widgets.
ng1: {
options: {
noDeviceTarget: true, // Set this to true to hide the AngularJS device selector.
groupsSelectable: false // Set this, if not only devices should be selectable.
} as ContextWidgetConfig
Go into the interface for details of the interface.