Question related to a free trial, or to a production (customer) instance?
Detailed explanation of the problem:
Hello community,
is it possible to change the navigator with using RestAPI?
I found a managedObject from type “brandingVariables” There is a fragment “c8y_less_variables”. Is it possible to add new key-value to change the navigator width?
You can in general provide some custom CSS via your tenants branding that could potentially also allow you to adjust the width of the navigator.
The default branding manager does not allow to provide custom CSS as of now, so you would need to upload your branding manually, see: GitHub - Cumulocity/ui-customization: Cumulocity IoT UI customization for an example.
You could then define the extraCssUrls variable in the options.json to point to your custom CSS.
Extending the navigator width is nothing we officially support. So what ever you might do to extend the width could potentially break with an upcoming newer version.